I luv u for this
This is such a sexy flash
I luv u for this
This is such a sexy flash
OMG!!!!!!! 3rd!
This is 3rd most popular????????????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????? ever???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?????????. wow you are good weebl. all hail weebl (and bob how could I forget)
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger *repeat 20 million times*
I hated it
Because dia lock made it. he's a f*****g moron how banned me for 999 days on the lock legion.
Huh? What do you mean? I, Coke, made this too you know. >:[
Not bad
Averages Haxwar and clock it to me. What is the secret ingeredient?????????????????????????????????
It's better than whatever you did, MAX LOLOLOL
how this will be blammed I dont know
Burnt face man is back thank god. But why kill SBM? good to see more turd though. A 5/5
lol time
lol is the word as there is so much in this.
(plz repond)
More great stuff
I am a dedicated follower Of the weebl and say if you hate his work then you must have been drinking (That means YOU elite freddy), But overall another great animation.
yay a new yoshi flash, and it's good
Waaaaaaaaaaaay better than the others and 'get rich or die trying' is one of the best VGDC ideas ever.
yay more contest
I'm betting on chris next time as I just was to bet on someone. Keep the good work going, I look forward to part 3.
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I'm nobody
Age 34, Male
3rd in command
Why should you know?
stone, england
Joined on 7/28/05